Paloma (Volume 2) is a comic book project, that narrate the end of the Paloma's adventures. This is the story of an italian spy, during the seventies, accross the globe (with a hint of humor inside). And the Volume 2 starts right where the first finishes.
On this project, I've made the Backgrounds, and my friend (Vincent Deruyck a.Ka Ancestral Z) drew the characters.

Style is deliberately old-school, but with a touch of modernity (well, we try ^^) to fit with the seventies in which the story goes...
Here are some Backgrounds...

And below, you can see some definitive pages with the characters but without texts (to avoid any spoils ^^)

And to finish, last but not least, the cover :

Well, this is it, I hope you've enjoyed the project, and soon, I'll add a link where you will be able to buy it if you want (the book will be only in french, sorry)
Again, thank you for your attention!
You can also follow my work at https://www.facebook.com/themojojojo999/